Home/Ginger essential oil raw material and processing methods

Ginger essential oil is a traditional recipe for health care

Ginger-oil, CAS-8007-08-7

Ginger essential oil is not suitable for facial skin care. Ginger essential oil is blended in shampoo. It can remove headache and stop headache. Ginger essential oil can be diluted and massaged with base oil to dissipate blood stasis and treat wounds. It can be used as an aphrodisiac to treat incompetence, improve menstruation, and can also be used for postpartum care to eliminate accumulated blood clots. It helps to improve body humidity and excessive body fluid, such as influenza, sputum and runny nose. It also can relieve sore throat and tonsillitis. It can warm emotions, make people feel sharp and enhance memory, and feel happy. A few drops of ginger essential oil can be dripped into the hot water of feet to achieve the purpose of activating blood circulation and collaterals.

Ginger essential oil should not be rubbed directly on the skin, nor should it be directly added to hot water for a bath. Because it can cause adverse reactions to the skin, which can cause rash and blisters in severe cases. High dosage may cause skin allergy and slight photo toxic reaction.

Raw material of ginger essential oil

Zingiber officinale Rosc. is perennial herbaceous plants of zingiber genera. As a long-standing spicy seasoning, it is widely used in food cooking.

China is not only one of the main producers of ginger, but also one of the major exporters of ginger and ginger essential oil. But the storage of ginger is more difficult and perishable. Every harvest season, the growing district has a great loss of ginger. Ginger is used as a condiment, and its utilization rate is very low in China. Using all kinds of extraction methods to extract the beneficial substances from ginger, which is more convenient for industry and other industries, this is ginger essential oil. Ginger essential oil is a light yellow or green liquid.

Traditional processing methods of ginger essential oil

The methods of extracting ginger oil from ginger are mainly steam distillation and solvent extraction. Steam distillation is the use of Dalton’s law of partial pressure. The fresh ginger or dried ginger is mashed before steaming, then steam is added under normal pressure or pressure so that ginger oil can be distilled at below its boiling point. This method mainly obtains the volatile essential oil from ginger, but some phenolic derivatives such as gingerol are difficult to evaporate with water vapor because of their unique molecular structure. So steam distillation can only extract partial flavor substances in ginger. Moreover, the high temperature of the distillation process will cause harmful changes in the composition, smell and flavor of ginger oil. The chemical composition of ginger essential oil obtained by solvent extraction has a great relationship with the selected solvents. However, the solvent method is liable to be contaminated by residual solvents and will precipitate discoloration. Its use is limited.

To sum up, there are obvious defects in ginger essential oil products produced by traditional ginger processing methods. The limitations of the processing method make it difficult to achieve color, flavor and taste. Due to the lack of uniform standards and different extraction methods, the composition and content of products will be quite different. Thus affecting its physical properties, it will bring great trouble to the use of terminals.

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